Duke Nukem 3D Cheats

Duke Nukem 3D

Simply type in the following codes:
DNBETA Displays the "Pirates Suck" Message
DNCASHMAN Duke Will Spew Money When Space Bar is Pressed.
DNCORNHOLIO Toggles God Mode
DNHYPER Duke on Steroids
DNITEMS Gives you cool stuff
DNRATE Shows Current Frame Rate in Corner
DNSKILL# Changes Difficulty where # is 0 to 4
DNSCOTTYab Level Warp a=episode and b=level
DNCLIP Duke can walk through walls.
DNMONSTERS Gets Rid of Monsters
DNVIEW Changes Point of View to Behind Duke
DNCOORDS Gives coordinates
DNSHOWMAP shows map!
DNUNLOCK toggles door locks
DNKEYS gives you the keys
DNINVENTORY Gives you everything but weapons
DNTODD Register Cosmo today
DNDEBUG Debug menu
DNWEAPONS Weapons and Ammo
DNALLEN "Buy Major Stryker" message
DNENDING Takes you to end of game
DNMAJOR Infinite Jet-Pack fuel (must have jet pack)

Multi-Player Cheat:
In setup for multi-player game...At DOS, type setup/r. In a networked game, press k to see through the other player's eyes (try and recognize his surroundings...).

Mac Movie (may only work on Mac version):
In Hollywood Holocaust, go into the movie theater, start the movie. Then, looking at the big screen, type DN1984.
Apple's famous 1984 Macintosh commercial will play over and over.